Sara Bojarski is the founder and head chef for Urban Cookery. Apart from acting as primary content contributor to the site’s growing collection of recipes and ideas, she serves as a private chef throughout the New York/New Jersey area. Her foray into the culinary field occurred rather innocuously enough as more of a hobby than a career. She graduated from New York University with a degree in film and photography. While working as a photographer for a number of top New York City auction houses like Christies International, William Doyle Galleries, and Swann Galleries, she began honing her cooking abilities on the side. However what began simply as blogging interesting recipes, cooking holiday meals for family, and hosting events for friends quickly morphed into a very evident passion. Finally, after years of self-instruction, Sara decided to dive head first into the culinary world by leaving her job and enrolling at the Institute of Culinary Education (ICE) in Manhattan. She graduated with a degree in culinary arts. Additionally, she was the recipient of the Top Toque award for her class (awarded for excellence in technique, professionalism, and industry-preparedness as determined by faculty vote).
After staging and interning at a number of top restaurants and organizations in New York, Sara started Urban Cookery as a means to not only hone her passion for cooking but also to leverage her broad creative background. Whether she’s expounding upon experimental recipes in her test kitchen or bringing smiles to her clients’ faces via a delicious dish and well-run private event, Sara is at home in the kitchen. Her love for cooking delicious food is only surpassed by her love for family. And it is with that same warmth, joy, and passionate mentality that she runs Urban Cookery. Sara resides now in Princeton, New Jersey with her husband, 2 kids, and dog!